Philips Heart Start Carrying Cases |

Philips M5075A
Standard Carrying Case for HeartStart OnSite
The standard carry case is constructed with semi-rigid materials and covered in durable red cordura. The case comes equipped with a pair of paramedic scissors and can accommodate one spare pad cartridge and a spare battery pack.
Dimensions: 9.5" (24 cm) W x 8.5" (21 cm) H x 4.8" (12cm) D
Material: Codura
Use with : HeartStart OnSite (M5066A)

Philips M5076A
Slim Carrying Case for HeartStart OnSite
This slim carry case is constructed with semi-rigid materials and covered in durable red cordura. The case holds the HeartStart OnSite Defibrillator and a pair of paramedic scissors.
Dimensions: 9.5" (124 cm) W x 8.5" (21 cm) H x 4.8" (9 cm) D
Material: Codura
Use with : HeartStart OnSite (M5066A)

Philips 989803139251
Carrying Case for HeartStart FRx
The rugged FRx carry case made of wipeable urethane was designed to hold the FRx defibrillator as well as its main accessories and supplies. The carrying case is intended for use in environments where the defibrillator is protected from moisture and harsh treatment
Use with : HeartStart FRx (861304) |
Philips HeartStart Batteries |

Philips M5070A |
HeartStart Four-Year Battery
This battery is a disposable, lithium manganese dioxide, long-life battery that will typically last for four years with the defibrillator in standby mode.
Shelf Life: Typically 4 years with defibrillator in standby mode.
For Use with: HeartStart OnSite (M5066A), HeartStart FRX (861304)

Philips M3863A |
FR2+ Long Life LiMnO2 Battery
Lithiumm manganese battery. Disposable, recyclable, long life.
Battery Life: Minimum 300 shocks or 12 hours operating time
Standby Life: 4 years minimum, 5 years typical when battery is installed by the Install-By-Date
For Use with: HeartStart FR2+ (M3861A & M3862A)
Philips HeartStart Cabinets |

Philips 989803136531 |
Basic Defibrillator Cabinet
Basic audible siren alarm.
No visual alarm or connectivity to building’s security system
For Use with: HeartStart OnSite (M5066A), HeartStart FR2+ (M3861A & M3862A), HeartStart FRX (861304)

Philips PFE7024D |
Defibrillator Cabinet (surface mount)
The Defibrillator Cabinet, constructed of heavy gauge steel and tempered glass, protects your defibrillator from theft and the elements. Equipped with an audible alarm and flashing lights (powered by two 9-volt alkaline batteries), the Cabinet attracts attention to mobilize assistance during a cardiac emergency or deter theft. Opening the Cabinet's door activates the audible alarm and lights. For locations where a siren is inappropriate, the audible alarm can be disabled.
In buildings with a central security system, your facilities people, or alarm company, can connect the cabinet alarm to your system for a more coordinated response to a cardiac emergency. The alarm can also be connected to a programmable auto-dialer.
The Cabinet is available in two styles: a wall surface mounted Cabinet, for easy installation without cutting into walls, and a semi-recessed model, that is inserted into a wall cut-out, for a less obtrusive look. The semi-recessed model is appropriate where Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations are a consideration.*
Dimensions: 16" x 22.5" x 6"
* The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that objects not protrude more than 4 inches into foot traffic areas of open aisles and walkways unless the object's bottom edge is no higher than 27 inches from the ground.
For Use with: HeartStart OnSite (M5066A), HeartStart FR2+ (M3861A & M3862A)

Philips PFE7023D |
Defibrillator Cabinet (semi-recessed)
The Defibrillator Cabinet, constructed of heavy gauge steel and tempered glass, protects your defibrillator from theft and the elements. Equipped with an audible alarm and flashing lights (powered by two 9-volt alkaline batteries), the Cabinet attracts attention to mobilize assistance during a cardiac emergency or deter theft. Opening the Cabinet's door activates the audible alarm and lights. For locations where a siren is inappropriate, the audible alarm can be disabled.
In buildings with a central security system, your facilities people, or alarm company, can connect the cabinet alarm to your system for a more coordinated response to a cardiac emergency. The alarm can also be connected to a programmable auto-dialer.
The Cabinet is available in two styles: a wall surface mounted Cabinet, for easy installation without cutting into walls, and a semi-recessed model, that is inserted into a wall cut-out, for a less obtrusive look. The semi-recessed model is appropriate where Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations are a consideration.*
Dimensions: Inside compartment: 14" x 22.5" x 6", footprint on wall: 16.5" x 24.5" x 2.5" (meets ADA guidelines)
* The Americans with Disabilities Act requires that objects not protrude more than 4 inches into foot traffic areas of open aisles and walkways unless the object's bottom edge is no higher than 27 inches from the ground.
For Use with: HeartStart OnSite (M5066A), HeartStart FR2+ (M3861A & M3862A) |
Philips HeartStart Defibrillator Pads |

Philips M3870A |
Infant/Child AED Defibrillator Pads
Infant/Child Reduced-Energy Defibrillator Pads enable minimally trained responders to safely and promptly defibrillate infants and children under 8 years of age or 55 pounds. These special infant/child pads contain electronics that attenuate, or reduce, the energy of the defibrillator's shock from 150 to 50 Joules, an appropriate dosage of SMART Biphasic therapy for infants and small children.* And the FR2-series defibrillator can evaluate children's heart rhythms with outstanding accuracy for appropriate shock/no-shock decisions.**
The pads' design was carefully thought out to ensure that, even for the most inexperienced user under the most stressful circumstances, it is instantly obvious that these pads are for children and infants only. This helps ensure that the correct pads are chosen when you need to be prepared to treat both adults and children. The packaging, graphics, and pink teddy bear-shaped connector clearly communicate pediatric use.
Minimum Shelf Life: 24 months from date of manufacture
For Use with: HeartStart FR2+ (M3861A & M3862A) |

Philips M5071A
Adult SMART Pads Cartridge for HeartStart OnSite
HeartStart Adult SMART Pads are appropriate for cardiac arrest victims 8 years and older, or weighing above 55 pounds (25kg) or more
Shelf Life: Replace every two years
Use with : HeartStart OnSite (M5066A)

Philips 989803139261
SMART Pads II for HeartStart FRx
Multifunction defibrillator pads
Use with : HeartStart FRx (861304) |

Philips M5072A
Infant/Child SMART Pads for HeartStart AED
Infant/Child Cartridge - Spare Electrode Pads for Philips HeartStart OnSite AED
Use with : HeartStart OnSite (M5066A) |
Philips HeartStart Miscellaneous Accessories |

Philips 989803139311
Infant / Child Key for HeartStart FRx
Infant/child key used in infant/child defibrillation with the HeartStart FRx Defibrillator. Simply insert the Infant/Child Key into the FRx to signal to the device that you’re treating an infant or a child. The defibrillator adjusts to provide special pads placement and CPR instructions. The pads icons also flash to show you the appropriate pads placement and the device reduces the shock energy to a level more appropriate for an infant or a child (less than 55 pounds or 8 years of age).
Use with : HeartStart FRx (861304)

Philips 68-PCHAT |
Fast Response Kit
The Fast Response Kit contains tools and supplies typically needed for patient care and personal protection: 2 pairs of hypoallergenic nitrile gloves, a Laerdal pocket breathing mask, paramedic scissors, a Gallant chest hair razor, and a large extra-absorbent paper towel. These items are contained in a 5-1/2" x 9-1/2" zippered pouch which can be attached to the handle of the semi-rigid or vinyl carrying cases.
Contains: 2 pairs of nitrile gloves, 1 CPR mask, 1 paramedic scissors, 1 prep razor, 1 large reinforced paper towel, 1 zippered pouch
Use with : HeartStart OnSite (M5066A), HeartStart FR2 (M3861A & M3862A)

Philips M5066-97800 |
Quick Reference Guide - $5
The Quick Reference Guide is a brief instruction guide for defibrillator operators. Its short captions and straightforward drawings break down each step of the defibrillation process.
Use with : HeartStart OnSite (M5066A) |