LifeSource line of digital blood pressure monitors (automatic and manual
inflate), enable people with hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes
or those who have an irregular heartbeat to accurately monitor their
blood pressure at home. LifeSource's Clinically
Validated blood
pressure monitors assist physicians in the diagnosis and management of
hypertension and related disease states (obesity, high cholesterol, kidney
disorders). Home monitoring combined with exercise can
help maintain a healthy heart. LifeSource monitors include
a Lifetime Warranty, free logbook and large-print trilingual instruction
LifeSource Manual Monitors | LifeSource Digital Monitors| LifeSource Wrist Monitors
LifeSource Economical Manual Blood Pressure Kits with Stethoscopes
LifeSource UA-100 Aneroid Home Blood Pressure Kit with Attached Stethoscope |
Nylon cuff for superior durability and appearance
- Professional accuracy
- Latex bulb with standard air release valve
- Two year limited warranty for manometer accuracy
- No-pin-stop manometer with easy to calibrate feature
- Comes with attached stethoscope and D-ring cuff
- Equipped with adult sized cuff
- Arrow indicator on cuff ensures proper cuff placement
- Latex 2-tube bladder
- Includes trilingual instruction manual
- Zippered nylon storage case and calibration screwdriver included
The LifeSource UA-100 Aneroid Blood Pressure Kit provides
customers and professionals with a quality health monitoring
product that you can expect from AND Medical. This aneroid
blood pressure kit can assist in the management of hypertension,
improve patient compliance to treatment of high blood pressure,
and be used as a tool in a preventative health management program.

LifeSource UA-200 Aneroid Professional Sphygmomanometer |
Latex bulb with standard air release valve
- Two year limited warranty for manometer accuracy
- Arrow indicator on cuff ensures proper cuff placement
- Comes with a standard Adult nylon cuff
- Arrow indicator on cuff ensures proper cuff placement
- Zippered nylon storage case and calibration screwdriver included
- Professional accuracy
The UA-200 Aneroid Blood Pressure Kit provides
customers and professionals with a quality health monitoring product
that you can expect from A&D Medical. This aneroid blood pressure
kit can assist in the management of hypertension, improve patient
compliance to treatment of high blood pressure, and be used as a
tool in a preventative health management program.

LifeSource UA-705 Advanced Manual Inflation Blood Pressure Monitor |
A&D Medical is pleased to introduce their newest Advanced Manual Inflate blood pressure monitor, the Lifesource UA-705. One of the unique features on this monitor is the new Pressure Rating Indicator. After a measurement is complete, this indicator will display the category the measurement falls under based on the Joint National Committee (JNC 7) blood pressure guidelines. There are four categories that the measurement can fall under: Normal (green), Prehypertensive (yellow) and Stage 1 or 2 Hypertensive (Red). The benefit of this feature is that the user will quickly know what their reading means.
- Exclusive Pressure Rating Indicator
- 30 memory capacity
- 30 reading memory
- Average Reading Feature
- Irregular Heartbeat Feature
- 1 AA battery included
- Trilingual Instruction Guide in English, French and Spanish, Logbook
- Limited Lifetime warranty

Click here to find out the
correct way to take your blood pressure at home.