The Harpenden Skinfold Caliper is a precision instrument designed for use in measuring skinfold thickness from which estimates of body fat can be derived. Designed in 1958, the Harpenden Skinfold caliper has been used worldwide and is the most presigious caliper available.
The Harpenden skinfold caliper is the only caliper CE marked under the Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC for a Class 1 Device with Measuring Function and is calibrated using masters traceable to National Standards.
- Dial Graduation: 0.20 mm
- Measuring Range: 0 to 80 mm
- Measuring Pressure: 10 gms/mm2 (constant over range)
- Accuracy: 99.0%
- Repeatability: 0.20 mm
- Includes handbook and carrying case
Handbook Includes:
- The evaluation and meaning of body composition
- Setting and using the Harpenden Skinfold Caliper
- How to take skinfold measurements
- Maximum Preferred / Desired fat levels
- Tables for body fat % versus skinfold thickness in males and females of all ages based on the Dumin and Womerley systems
- Body density equations.

Optional Lange C-140 Speed Rule above
Convenient slide rule for quick computation of bodyfat from skinfold measurements. 3 Site Jackson-Pollock for athletic adults